
Perennials are nonwoody plants that live for two or more years and, when mature, produce flowers annually. Most perennials are herbaceous and die back each autumn. While this leaves border bare in winter, many gardeners value this characteristic because it reflects the turning of the seasons. the new growth heralds spring and anticipates the glories of the forhcoming summer. Here are some of the most common type of perennials sold in flats.


African Daisy

Fairly slow-growing, upright, branching perennial usually grown as an annual. Lance-shaped, lobed leaves iare grayish green above, white below. In summer has large, daisylike flower heads in many shades, including yellow, orange, bronze, purple, pink, cream, and red. Height and Spread 18"




Vigorous, low-growing spreading plant is covered with1/2" white flowers with yellow centers. Blooms best with high light and moderate temperatures. Height 6"-8", Spread 10"-12".



Grow in sun or semi-shade and in fertile, very well-drained soil. Slow-growing,carpeting perennial, grown as a biennial. Has oval leaves and small, daisylike, double fower heads in red, pink, or white in spring. Height and Spread 4"-6"



Grow in sun or semi-shade. Upright , branching perennial usually grown as an annual, with oval to lance-shaped, pale green leaves, and brightly colored crested plumed flowers. Height 10-24", Spread 18"



Grow in shade or semi-shade. Fast-growing, bushy perennial grown as an annual, with multicolored, serrated leaves of various shapes. Height 12-18", Spread 12"




Clump forming, almost hairless perennial, often grown as an annual, with simple lace-shaped or palmately lobed lower leaves , to 4" long. Flowering stems produce 3 to 5 pinnate leaves with linear leaflets. Height 18"-36", Spread 18"



Grow in shade to part sun. Tuberous perennial with heart-shaped leaves, deep green often sylver-marbled above and pale or purplish green beneath. Sweet-scented, pink, red, purple, or white flowers produced on tall, slenderstems, with the leaves, from early winter to early spring. Height 8", Spread 6"



Plant in sun or partial shade.Perennials often grown as annuals, and available in single colors and as a mixture. Flowers are produced in spikes Height 30", Spread 18"



Grow in sun; needs organic, well-drained soil that is not too dry. Profuse flowers attract abutterflies to the garden. Excellent cool season plant. Height and Spread 12"-14"


Dusty Miller (Cineraria)

Requires sun; grwos in any well-drained soil, even poor soil. Silver-white foliage makes a lovely accent in the garden or containers. Height 8"-12", Spread 8"




Plant in full sun; prefers well-drained soil. Masses of bright, fragant flowers attract butterflies to the garden. Lovely planted at garden's edge or along walkways. Long , narrow leaves and many fragant, bright yellow and orange flowers borne in flat heads in late spring and early summer. Height 8"-12", Spread 8"-10"



Requires sun and sandy soil. Evergreen perennial grown as annual useful for summer bedding, pots, and barrels. Produces solitary yellow, white, orange, pink, or brown daisylike flowers heads on short stems just above the leaves in summer. Height 8"-12", Spread 8"



Summer-flowering evergreen perennial, grown for its colorful flowers and useful in pots or as bedding plants.A Sunny site with 12 hours of daylight is required for good flowering. Prefers well-drained neutral to alkaline soil. Dislikes very hot, humid conditions. Height 12", Spread 10"


Gerbera Daisy

Evergreen upright perennials flowering from summer to winter. Varieable colored daisylike flower heads borm intermittenlgy on long stems, and basal rosettes of large, jagged leaves. Flowers are excellent for cutting. Height 24", Spread 18"


Mums (Chrysanthemum)

Perennial grown for its flowers, each flower head consists of a large number of individual flowers or florets, leaves are deeply lobed or cut, often feathery, oval to lance-shaped. Provide a sunny site and reasonably fertile, well-drained soil. Height 6"-8", Spread 8".



Mainly evergreen, loosely rounded shrub with hairy, bright green leaves. In summer-autumn produces dense cluster of pink, lilac, red, or white flowers. Height and Spread 10"-12".



Rosette-forming, evergreen or semi-evergreen perennial. Flat, soft colored flowers, with darder eyrs, are borne singly among oval to lance-shaped, toothed, bright green leaves. Height 8", Spread 14"