Annual Bedding Plants
Annuals bedding plants grow, bloom, set seed, and die in a sigle growing season. They are usually low cost and ideal for providing immediate color in gardens. Annuals are usually for either the spring-summer (warm weather season) or fall-winter (cool weather season). Annuals are perfect for formal settings as bedding plants to fill gaps or create specific effects. Annuals are available in an large variety of sizes, colors, and habits. Below are some of our most popular annual varieties for the warm and cool seasons.
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Grow in sun and in fertile, well drained soil. Plants must be deadheaded regularly to ensure continuous flowering. Modearately fast-growing, hummock forming annual with pointed oval leaves. Has cluster of feathery, brush-like, lavender-blue flower heads in summer-autumn. Height and Spread 6"
Grow in sun well drained soil. Fast-growing, compact annual with lance-shaped, grayish green leaves and tiny heads of scented, 4-petaled white flowers in summer and early autumn. Height 3"-6", Spread 8"-12"
Grow in sun and well drained soil. Fast-growing, compact annual with lance-shaped, grayish green leaves and tiny heads of scented, 4-petaled white flowers in summer and early autumn. Height 3"-6", Spread 8"-12"
Grow in shade
or partial sun, Prefers slightly acidic soil. Grown for their colorful
flowers and/or ornamental leaves. There are many varieties of begonias,
including evergreen, or deciduous shrubs and small, treelike perennials
and annuals. Height, Spread
Grow in sun or partial shade and in any well-drained soil. Fast growing bushy annual. All have lanced-shaped, strongly aromatic, pale green leaves. Daisylike, single or double flower heads in a wide range of yellow and orange shades are produced from spring to autumn. Height 12", Spread 9"
Chrysanthemum Paludosum
Grow in sun to
partial shade and thrives in a fertile, well-drained soil. Hairless,
bushy annual with obovate, spoon-sheaped, greay-green basal leaves
and solitary daisylike flowerheads. Height 2-6", Spread 8"
Grow in sun or part shade. Erect and freely spreading, annuals, mid-green leaves
with linear segments. Produces solitary daisylike white, pink, or
crimson flowerheads, throughout summer. Height 20"-24",
Spread 18"
Grow in sun to part shade, adn in well-drainded fertile soil. Perfect for beds,
borders and containers. Elegand long season display of showy blooms.
Height 12", Spread 9"
Grow in sun well-drained
soil. Slow-growing, upright, bushy biennial with lace-shaped leaves.
In early summer has flat heads of zoned and eyed flowers in shades
of pink, red or white. Height 6", Spread 8-12"
Grow in sun to part shade. Slow-growing, short-lived perennial grown as a biennial.
Has a rosette of large, pointed-oval leaves and erect stems carrying
tubular flowers in summer. Height 36"-48", Spread 18"
Plant in partial
sun or shade. Fast-growing, evergreen bushy perennial, grown as
an annual. Has pointed-oval, fresh green leaves and small, flat
spurred flowers from spring to autumn. Height and Spread 8"
Impatiens Double
Plant in partial
sun or shade. Fast-growing, evergreen, bushy perennial, grown as
an annual. Has fresh green leaves and small, flat, spurred, double
or semi-double flowers from spring to autumn. Height and Spread
Impatiens New Guinea
Hybrid subshrubby perennials usually grown as annuals from cuttings. Attractive, often multi-colored foliage and large, bright flowers. They grow best in sun or light shade. Height and Spread 12"-24"
Kale (Ornamental Cabbage)
Grow in sun, well drained soil. Moderately fast-growing, evergreen, rounded biennial, grown as an annual. Has heads of large, often crinkled leaves in combinations of red/green, white/pink, or pink/green. Height and Spread 12"-18"
Plant in sun or part shade. Slow-growing, spreading, compact, bushy annual or occasionally perennial. Bronzed leaves are oval to lance-shaped; small flowers are produced continuously in summer and early autumn. Height 4"-8", Spread 4"-6"
Fast-growing, erect, bushy annual. Has aromatic, feathery, glossy, deep green leaves and large, daisylike, double flower heads in shades of yellow and orange in summer and early autumn. Height and Spread 10"-12"
Upright, woody-based, sticky annual that bears open racemens of panicles of tubular pink, red, rose-pink, white , or lime green flowers in summer Height 12", Spread 12"-16" |
Fairly fast-growing, bushy, compact annual with lance-shaped, serrated, pale green leaves. Small, somwhat trumpet-shaped flowers, in a range of bright colors, are borne in summer. Height 8", Spread 6"
Bushy perennial, grown as an annual or biennial. Has oval, midgreen leaves and rounded, 5-petaled white flowers in cool and cold weather. Height 6"-8", Spread 8"
Moderately fast-growing, branching, bushy perennial, grown as an annual. Has oval, mid- to deep green leaves and large, flared trumpet-shaped flowers in summer-autumn. Height 6"-12", Spread 12" |
Erect to spreading, bushy, hairy annual with very variable, stempclasping, leaves. In late spring produces tubular, hairy, dusky flowers. Height 4"-18", Spread to 10" or more.
Fast-growing, slender, erect annual with lobed, light green leaves. Rounded, often cup-shaped, single flowers in shades of red, pink, salmon, or white appear in summer. Height 24", Spread 12"
Slow-growing, semi-trailing annual with lance-shaped, succulent, bright green leaves. Cup-shaped flowers with conspicuous stamens appear in a mixture of colors in summer and early autumn. Height to 8", Spread 6"
Slow-growing, bushy perennials, grown as annuals, with flowers in bright shades of cerise-red, lavender-blue, salmon-pink, purple, scarlet, or white, available as single colors, borne in early summer. Height 10"-12", Spread 9"-14"
rect, bushy, compact perennial, grown as an annual, with lance-shaped leaves. Spikes of tubular, 2-lipped flowers in a wide range of colors are produced from spring to autumn. Height 24", Spread 12"
Fast-growing, erect, bushy biennial, grown as an annual. Lance-shaped leaves are grayish green; long spikes of highly scented flowers in shades of pink, red, purple, yellow, or white are borne in summer. Height 18", Spread 12"
Fairly slow-growing, bushy perennial, grown as an annual. Has lance-shaped, serrated, mid-to deep green leaves and clusters of small, tubular flowers in a range of colors in summer-autumn. Height 8", Spread 12"
Perennial grown
as annual, spreading shrub becoming messy with age. Has large, vibrant
flowers with colored eyes in spring to autumn, also in winter in
warm areas. Height 10"-15", Spread 12"-15" |
Erect, bushy perennial,
grown as an annual or biennial, with oval leaves. In spring it bears
large, rose-purple flowers fading to pink and white. Height 6"-9",
Spread 9"-12" |
Moderately fast-growing,
sturdy, erect annual with oval to lance-shaped leaves. In summer
and early autumn has large, daisylike, double and semi-double flower
heads in a range of colors. Height 6", Spread 12"